Current search results for: sneaky
Soft children’s background music.
Curious soundtrack with pizzicato strings and elements that highlight a sense of humour.
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Inquisitive soundtrack with bright violins imparting a curious nature.
Curious, featuring pizzicato strings and orchestral instruments creating an enchanting mood.
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Magical soundtrack with pizzicato strings highlighting a curious experience.
Hugely optimistic with cheerful whistling and happy ukulele crafting a playful attitude.
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Cheerful with bright bells, ukulele and whistling providing a feel-good soundtrack.
Melancholic with wondrous bells, clarinet and orchestral instruments creating prompting imagination and curiosity.
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Curious soundtrack with delicate bells prompting imagination and wonder.
Magical featuring bright bells, strings and angelic choir creating an enchanting experience.
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Enchanting bells and pizzicato violins create a magical soundtrack.